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Lepu Introduces AI-Powered ECG Solutions for Comprehensive Health Services

Lepu Introduces AI-Powered ECG Solutions for Comprehensive Health Services

The global dynamic ECG recorder market is growing steadily and is expected to reach USD 4.8 billion by 2032 (CAGR 6.53% from 2024-2032), with major applications in two major scenarios: clinical monitoring in hospitals and home health management. The industry trend focuses on wearable device miniaturization, cloud data management and remote monitoring services.
With “AI-ECG algorithm + cloud platform + Internet of Things” technology as the core, Lepu has launched short-range/long-range, single-lead/multi-lead dynamic and wearable ECG recorders, combined with AI-ECG Tracker, health APP and other software, to build a full chain of services covering “prevention - screening - diagnosis - rehabilitation”.
In-hospital scenario: patient can wear Portable Holter Monitor M5/M12 or Real-time (4G) iHolter-3/iHolter-12 with lead cables. And with AI warning system, the efficiency of cardiovascular disease management and diagnostic accuracy can be greatly improved.
Homecare scenario: patient can wear Holter Patch ER1-LB (with disposable electrodes or chest strap) or Event Recorder ER2-S (with chest strap) at home, and the data is transmitted to the health APP in real time, which supports AI analysis and realizes accurate health monitoring.
Lepu has always been committing to improving medical efficiency and patient health management seamlessly by integrating intelligent hardware, AI platform and remote service.

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