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The Difference Between ECG and EKG Machine

The Difference Between ECG and EKG Machine

What is an ECG machine and EKG?

An ECG machine is a medical electronic instrument commonly used in clinical diagnosis and scientific research. It automatically records the biological electrical signals (ECG signals) generated by myocardial excitement during heart activity. In China, ECG machines are generally divided into single-channel, three-channel, six-channel, and twelve-channel ECG machines according to the number of synchronized output channels of the recorder. ECG examination is a commonly used clinical examination project in cardiovascular medicine. It is used to assess various arrhythmias and to show myocardial damage and blood supply conditions to assist in clinical diagnosis.

What should be noted when taking an ECG machine examination?

  • Before the examination, avoid overeating, cold drinks, and smoking (as these factors can cause abnormal ECG readings and affect disease diagnosis). Relax for 20 minutes before the examination.

  • During the examination, lie flat, relax your muscles, breathe calmly, be quiet, and do not speak or move your body.

  • Turn off your mobile phone to avoid interference with the accuracy of the examination.

  • If you have had an ECG examination before, provide the doctor with past examination reports. Some medications (such as digitalis, potassium, calcium supplements, and anti-arrhythmia drugs) can affect ECG examination results, so inform the doctor.

  • If an ECG exercise test is required according to the condition, the following should be noted: within 1 hour before and after meals, do not perform this test; patients with progressive or recent angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction within 1 year, congestive heart failure, severe hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, left bundle branch block, pre-excitation syndrome, or with obvious myocardial ischemia at rest, the elderly, and patients with mobility issues should not undergo this test.

What is an ECG?

ECG refers to the electrical signals emitted during the heart's electrical conduction process. An ECG is taken by placing electrodes on a certain area of the body surface, recording the weak electrical signals generated by cardiovascular activities, transmitting them to the machine for amplification, and recording them as an ECG. The heart is a muscular organ that contains a conduction system that can produce electrical signals. The conduction system sends a command from the sinoatrial node to the atrium, from the atrium to the atrioventricular node, and then to the ventricular Purkinje fibers, stimulating myocardial contraction. The waveform generated during this process includes the atrial P wave, which is transmitted to the ventricle before the pacing electrical activity appears. By recording the conduction time or negative electrode ST segment changes during the process, changes in the P, QRS, and ST-T waves can be named accordingly. By matching the ECG with the patient's disease state, various heart problems can be diagnosed.

ECG vs EKG machine

An ECG is a graphical record used to assess changes in the heart's structure and function. It is generated by an EKG machine, which is an instrument that detects and records the electrical activity of the heart to provide an ECG. The structure of an EKG machine includes electrode probes, patient information input systems, recording systems, and display systems, among others.