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Diagnostic kit for Methylated Genes of Colorectal Cancer
Diagnostic kit for Methylated Genes of Colorectal Cancer

Diagnostic kit for Methylated Genes of Colorectal Cancer

Recommended for use in adults with an elevated risk for cancer, 40+ or older

Detection of early colorectal cancer and precancerous lesions

Patients with a positive test result should be referred for diagnostic colonoscopy.

Patients with a negative test result should discuss with their doctor when they need to be tested again.


Expanded Use

Follow-up and monitoring

Prognostic evaluation

Therapeutic Assessment 

Diagnostic kit for methylated genes of Colorectal Cancer Details 

Product Description

A blood-based test for diagnosis of colorectal cancer by detecting a combination of proorietary epigenomics DNA methylation biomarkers.

Sensitivity: 85.01%;


Diagnostic kit for methylated genes of Colorectal Cancer














Invasive, unpleasant bowel preparation, requires special facilities and sedation, accessibility, need for anesthesia, low patient compliance, risk of bowel perforation or bleeding  

Poor detection of precancerous lesions, cannot remove lesions at time of detection, detects ingested hemoglobin  

Poor detection of precancerous lesions, cannot remove lesions at time of detection  

Recommended Population for Screening

  • Male and female aged 40 and above.

  • A history of colorectal cancer, adenomas, other related cancers, or a relevant familial (hereditary) cancer syndrome.

  • Anorectal symptoms more than two weeks.

  • Been diagnosed with type Ⅱ diabetes.

  • A history of benign polyps in the colon or rectum or related cancers, like(IBD), chronic ulcerative colitis(CUC), etc.

  • Habits of a high-fat diet, smoking or drinking.

[1] Vanessa B , Karen S . Colorectal cancer development and advances in screening[J]. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 2016, Volume 11:967-976.

[2] 张政, 李鹏, 张澍田. 中国结直肠癌筛查的研究历史 现状与展望[J]. 中国实用内科杂志, 2018, 38(09):777-779. [8] 张瑞, 雷林, 彭绩,等. 胃癌筛查的研究进展[J]. 中国肿瘤, 2020, v.29(06):15-22.

Diagnostic kit for Methylated Genes of Colorectal Cancer FAQ


How much blood is needed for methylation test?


Approximately 10ml of peripheral blood or 3ml plasma.


How many tests can kits be used?


The packaging Specifications of the test kits are 30 tests/ kit.


How are results calculated?How to judge cancer test results of kits?


It is required to use a software (which is provided with kit), input result from qPCR, then user will get detection value. The presentation states that a negative result is considered when detection values are <1.2 and a positive result when detection values ≥1.2.

*Product registration and availability vary by country. For more information on product availability, please contact us here.

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