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Percutaneous Kyphoplasty

Percutaneous Kyphoplasty

Application: Treatment of vertebral tumor and osteoporotic compression fracture;

Application: Kyphoplasty Balloon Catheter;

Spec.: 10, 15,20

Vertebral Balloon System TubeVertebralBalloon System Tube10,15,20
Bone Access AwlBone Access AwlΦ4.3*115
Cement InjectorCement InjectorΦ3.4*195
Solid Drill BitSolid Drill BitΦ3.3*215
Guide WireGuide WireΦ1.8*270
Kyphoplasty SleeveKyphoplasty SleeveΦ3.8*135
Dilating TubeDilating TubeΦ4.3*115
Syring PumpSyring Pump


*Product registration and availability vary by country. For more information on product availability, please contact us here.

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